Drylock Case Study

Drylock - leader in sustainable hygiene product segment

Drylock earns the bronze CO2 Neutral label, an important step in the company’s commitment to climate protection

Following its strong focus on sustainability, Drylock has been awarded the bronze CO2 Neutral company label, a great recognition of its strong commitment to innovate to protect.

A leading manufacturer of hygiene products, Drylock Technologies' motto is INNOVATE TO PROTECT: protecting people and the environment through continuous innovation.

Pioneering the climate transition in the hygiene industry

Drylock has committed to the SBTi to reduce its absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 70% by 2030 from a 2021 base year and to reduce relative scope 3 GHG emissions 52% per value added by 2030 from a 2021 base year.

Drylock Technologies was the first global player in the hygiene sector to achieve 100% renewable green energy, as well as a CO2-neutral production and corporate status.

Ambitious action measures have been put in place, focusing on each part of the life cycle. This includes a supplier engagement program to inform, involve and support suppliers in establishing and achieving SBT. Eco-design initiatives for products, green supply transitions and the “zero waste to landfill" program will reduce operational waste emissions.

These concrete actions are also helping Drylock customers to meet their sustainability targets, allowing the company to continue to strive for excellence to protect consumers and the environment.

A commitment to support the development of certified climate projects

In order to mitigate its remaining emissions, Drylock has chosen to finance a Verra-certified climate project producing renewable energy, Wind India.

This project builds wind turbines, providing the Indian power grid with clean, renewable energy and stimulates the transition to a low-carbon economy. The India Wind Project supports the development of multiple wind turbines in India, in the regions of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.

For Drylock, accelerating the fight against climate change is an absolute priority, ensuring that at every stage of product innovation in the lifecycle improvements are made to reduce their climate impact.

To learn more about Drylock's climate commitments and the CO2 Neutral label, scan their label's QR code.

Werner Van Ingelgem

At Drylock, transparency and credibility are at the heart of everything we do, that’s why independent validation by external companies like this are extremely important to us to validate our sustainability claims and be able to showcase this to our customers.

Werner Van Ingelgem, Global Director R&D, Purchasing, Quality and Sustainability, Drylock

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