Guylian Case Study

Guylian - commitment to sustainable development

About Guylian

Guylian has been awarded the Silver CO2 Neutral label in recognition of its commitment to sustainable development.

Belgian chocolatier Guylian has been awarded the CO2 Neutral 'Silver' label, in recognition of its commitment to sustainable development: zero food waste, 100% recyclable packaging, green energy sourcing and reduced water consumption, optimization of its production in terms of sustainability, absence of palm and soy oil in all products, climate financing, etc.

The manufacturer is committed to reducing its Scopes 1 and 2 emissions by 2030, in line with the Science-based Targets, and to offsetting the remaining emissions each year with certified carbon credits.

5 pillars of climate action

Guylian puts sustainability high on the agenda and commits to 5 areas of action:

  1. 0% Food Waste,
  2. 100% recyclable packaging,
  3. CO2 Neutrality,
  4. Green energy & water reduction, thus optimising all of its production in terms of sustainability and
  5. All products palm oil and soya free

As part of its climate engagement, Guylian commits to reduce its scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030 in line with Science Based Targets and to yearly offset remaining emissions through certified carbon credits.

Guylian's new packagings are indeed designed to be fully recyclable, the Sint-Niklaas production site has been certified climate neutral, palm oil and soy have been banned from all products to avoid deforestation and a switch to 100% of Fair Trade Chocolate have been implemented by the chocolate brand, showcasing the company's strong climate commitment.

Supporting nature and biodiversity protection through climate finance

In order to immediately minimise the impact of its short-term incompressible emissions, Guylian has opted to support a Redd+ reforestation project in Brazil. The Envira Amazonia project in the state of Acre, Brazil aims to protect up to 200.000 hectares of tropical rainforest. The project will preserve rich biodiversity but also a wide range of ecosystem services and provide direct benefits to local communities

To learn more about Guylian climate commitments and the CO2 Neutral label, scan their label's QR code.

Tom Snick

“We've put sustainability high on our agenda with the relaunch of the brand in 2022. We want to set the tone for all chocolate brands with these developments. Guylian is consciously choosing a pioneering role by completely engaging with sustainability in terms of Fairtrade, raw materials, packaging and CO2 emissions."

Tom Snick, CEO, Guylian

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