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Context: International Event - 2019



Levi’s, together with the event agency VO event, organised an international event in Barcelona. Aware of the climate impact of such a gathering, Levi’s and VO event have agreed to calculate and offset all the CO2 emissions related to the organization of this event.



In 2019, CO2logic has provided a free Excel event carbon tool to VO event in order to enable them to extensively identify and calculate all the CO2 emissions related to an event, i.e. Design & Preparation, Transport of the participants, IT and technical means, Catering, Hotels,… 

Thanks to this tool, VO event has been able to assist Levi’s in estimating the CO2 impacts and the related budget to obtain the “CO2-Neutral” label. Then, CO2logic has performed a review of the data and the related CO2 results and assisted Levi’s to take full responsibility for the climate impact of its event through the support of a water borehole project in Eritrea, certified under the Gold Standard certification scheme.

Sector: Public