17 Nov 2023

CO2logic, a South Pole company, have this year awarded the first 85 companies pioneering climate action with their new CO2 Neutral label

CO2Logic Team

Updated in 2022 with a revised protocol and the introduction of individual QR codes on each label, the new version of the CO2 Neutral label enables companies to communicate transparently on their commitment and their climate action plan.

It responds to growing public and corporate awareness of climate issues, and anticipates regulatory and market expectations by certifying that the carbon footprint of a product, service or organization is accurately measured, that emission reduction actions are prioritized and that the company finances certified climate projects to offset its residual emissions.

The new version of the label also introduces a graded approach (bronze, silver, gold) that reflects a.o. companies' level of maturity and concrete progress made, while enabling consumers to compare the level of environmental performance of committed companies.

First examples of successful transitions to the new label

  • The Benefits and Rewards Service (Sodexo BRS) of Sodexo Pluxee Belgium (formerly Sodexo Pass Belgium) has been awarded the very first CO2 Neutral 'Gold' corporate label, demonstrating its commitment and ambition in its move towards carbon neutrality. Sodexo is one of Belgium's leading food services, facilities management and equipment companies. As part of its certification process, the meal voucher issuer has put in place an emissions reduction plan with over 20 concrete actions to achieve its carbon neutrality ambitions by 2035. These actions are aimed at combating the main emissions 'hotspots' (responsible for up to 80% of their total carbon footprint).
  • Belgian chocolatier Guylian has been awarded the CO2 Neutral 'Silver' label, in recognition of its commitment to sustainable development: zero food waste, 100% recyclable packaging, green energy sourcing and reduced water consumption, optimization of its production in terms of sustainability, absence of palm and soy oil in all products, climate financing, etc. The manufacturer is committed to reducing its Scopes 1 and 2 emissions by 2030, in line with the Science-based Targets, and to offsetting the remaining emissions each year with certified carbon credits.
  • Drylock Technologies, a manufacturer of hygiene products, has been awarded the CO2 Neutral 'Bronze' label. It is the first global player in the hygiene sector to achieve 100% renewable green energy production, as well as CO2-neutral production and corporate status.This pioneer in the sector's climate transition has pledged to reduce its absolute scopes 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 70% by 2030, and to reduce relative scope 3 emissions by 52% per value added by 2030, all relative to the 2021 base year.

Details of the climate commitments of these successful transitions, and of the CO2 Neutral label, are available by scanning the QR code on their individual labels.

With the CO2 Neutral Label, reach your climate commitments and share your ambitions for carbon neutrality with the world.

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