CO2 Neutral Label

CO2 Neutral Label from CO2logic

True climate ambition is a journey. The CO2 Neutral label is here to certify that a company's carbon footprint is calculated, reduced, and compensated on a yearly basis.

Why Certify?

Protecting the planet is a shared responsibility. With the CO2 Neutral label, be proud of your achievements and communicate in a transparent and trustful way about it.

About The CO2 Neutral label & Types

We believe climate action should be accessible to all. Whether you're just starting out or well on your way to reducing emissions, the CO2 Neutral label offers different levels and types of certification.

Based on the climate journey we have defined a 5-step approach in order to obtain the CO2 Neutral label:

1. Quantify and analyse emissions using a recognised standard

2. Develop an emission reduction plan and contribution strategy

3. Set at least an internal reduction target and contribution target (link with SBTi)

4. Offset remaining emissions with certified carbon credits

5. Communicate publicly, transparently and unambiguously

Label Types

The CO2 Neutral label can be used to certify a simple product to a whole entity. It is separated into three types, adapted to your specific situation:


Companies or parts of companies (e.g. site level), organisations, private sector bodies, households, towns, cities, or even individuals can get certified. Entities can be defined by a physical location or by a juridical entity.


An article or substance manufactured or refined for sale, can get a certification. Examples include: food and fast-moving consumer goods, and even buildings.


All activities which can not be allocated to a product lifecycle or to an entity carbon footprint (e.g. event or delivery services), can also obtain the CO2 Neutral label.

Label levels & requirements

The CO2 Neutral label has different levels ranging from Bronze to Gold, recognising your climate commitments while encouraging you to go further.

Levels depend on the scope of calculation and the ambitiousness of the reduction targets.

Bronze Entity

  • Covers scopes 1 and 2, All direct and indirect emissions from the use of purchased electricity, heat, or cooling (energy consumption, heat generation, fuel for vehicles…).

Silver Entity

  • Covers scopes 1, 2 and part of scope 3, All direct and indirect emissions from the use of purchased electricity, heat or cooling as well as the indirect emissions linked to fuel and energy-related emissions (not already considered in scopes 1 and 2), waste from operations, business travel, employee home-work commuting.

Gold Entity

  • Covers scopes 1, 2 and all material scope 3 emissions, All direct and indirect emissions from the use of purchased electricity, heat or cooling as well as the indirect emissions generated within the value chain (upstream and downstream emissions). Furthermore, to reach this level, the reduction target must be in line with science-based targets (1,5°C trajectory) and should cover at least ⅔ of scope 3 emissions.

To define the level of maturity of a product, we use a weighted assessment matrix in order to reflect all the specificities linked to a product.

This matrix evaluates all the attributes which are relevant to assess a product against climate ambitions and provides an initial scoring. Attributes can be: the product carbon footprint performance, the quality of data and calculation, the reduction potential, the environmental benefits of the product, the company’s ambitions, the scope for compensation.

This initial scoring is then adapted based on weights which are parametrized depending on the products’ carbon footprint. Each final score corresponds to one of the maturity levels: Bronze, Silver or Gold.

Services do not have specific maturity levels. All relevant emissions from the service must be taken into account. Similarly as for Product, Service labels are granted based on weighted assessment matrix, whereas, Delivery depends on the scope of calculation and the ambitiousness of the reduction targets.

Third Party Verification

The CO2 Neutral label is approved by CO2Logic and validated by Vinçotte (Member of Group Kiwa), an independent third party auditor and partner. Each label is validated the first year then at least every 3 years. This adds an extra layer of credibility to the label.

QR Code

Every CO2 Neutral label is accompanied by a QR code to bring more transparency to your climate commitments. When scanned, a dedicated page will open and display key information about the label, including: the carbon footprinting scope (operational and organisational), details about the reduction ambition and plan, climate projects. The QR code offers an in-depth look at each organisations' progress in reducing emissions in a transparent way.

CO2 Neutral Label Protocol

CO2 Neutral Label Protocol

Find out more about our protocol by downloading our protocol guide.
Download our label protocol

Contact us today

Be proud and share your climate achievements with CO2 Neutral label
Florence Cattoir, Climate Solution and CO2 Neutral label manager
Be proud and share your climate achievements with CO2 Neutral label
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