CO2logic Website Terms and Conditions of Use

1. Definitions

For the purposes of these terms and conditions of use of the Website, the following terms shall mean :


CO2logic S.A. is a company incorporated under Belgian law, having its registered office at 47 Cantersteen, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (central business register) under number 886.147.359, which is the owner of the website


General Data Protection Regulation n°2016/679 of 27 April 2016.


The domain name belonging to CO2logic, i.e. to which the general terms and conditions of the website apply ;


Any natural person who uses the website.

2. Scope of application

The following terms and conditions shall apply to any person who uses the Website, even if no service contract has been concluded with CO2logic. These terms and conditions of use shall apply in general to the use of the Website, independently from the general terms and conditions of offset online (Greentripper). This Website is intended solely for personal, non-commercial purposes. Users shall not be authorized to reproduce information obtained through this Website in any way or form for non-personal or for commercial purposes.

3. Acceptance and amendments

In using this Website alone, the User shall accept and shall undertake to comply with the following terms and conditions. CO2logic reserves the right to amend them at all times, whereby the simple publication on the site shall be considered as notice to and acceptance by the User. CO2logic reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions of use at all times. In such a case, the applicable conditions shall be those in force on the date of use of the Website. This Website is intended solely for personal, non-commercial purposes. Users shall not be authorized to reproduce information obtained through this Website in any way or form for non-personal or for commercial purposes.

4. Personal data

Personal data shall be collected and processed in accordance with the provisions of the GDPR and the Belgian legislation on privacy and data protection, in particular the Protection of Natural Persons as Regards the Processing of Personal Data Act of 30 July 2018. The User shall be in no way required to disclose personal information to CO2logic – see the Privacy Notice. Pursuant to the Act of 30 July 2018, any person whose personal data are processed by CO2logic may request, at no expense, access to the aforementioned data and, if necessary, that they be deleted, changed or corrected. A consultation of the Website may entail the installation of cookies on the User's computer for the sole purpose of simplifying the Client's visit and of optimizing his or her browsing comfort. This information is used to analyse the User's experience in Google Analytics.

Authorization is always requested to use or store cookies and similar technologies on computers and mobile devices.

Questions concerning the CO2logic privacy policy or questions relating to the access or change (or deletion/correction) of your personal data may be sent at all times to:

  • CO2logic By registered letter, to the following address: 'CO2logic SA, 47 Cantersteen, 1000 Brussels';
  • By e-mail to:

5. Disclaimer

CO2logic may under no circumstances be held liable for any form of direct or indirect damages arising from accessto or use of its Website. In particular, CO2logic may under no circumstances be held liable for:

  • The use of information on the Website. Any use which the User makes of this information shall be entirely at his or her risk;
  • The accuracy, validity or exhaustive nature of information received by third parties;
  • Any decision or action taken by the User on the basis of information or data provided ;
  • Loss of data ; and
  • Interruptions, delays, malfunctions, etc. in using the Website.

This list is not exhaustive.

CO2logic attaches great importance to information presented on the Website and has done its utmost to provide information that is as up-to-date, clear, complete and accurate as possible.

Data on consumption and other technical information stem from studies conducted by reputed third parties such as Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol), le Bilan Carbone® (Ademe), etc.. Notwithstanding the excellence of these sources, CO2logic cannot provide any guarantees as to the accuracy, validity or exhaustive nature of this information. Certain inaccuracies or imprecisions in information provided by such third parties or the person carrying out the calculation with the CO2logic calculator on the Website cannot be excluded. It is therefore recommended, where necessary, to call on an expert and entrust him with the analysis of your personal situation. This analysis shall always be more precise than the recommendations obtained from our calculator based on standardized databases. CO2logic may undertake this type of assignment upon request.

CO2logic may under no circumstances be held liable for any damage or prejudice whatsoever because of information disseminated on this Website. This Website shall be used at the User's risk. Any decision to conclude a contract based on information provided by CO2logic shall rest on the User's free choice and shall be made on the latter's entire liability. And shall be made on the latter's entire liability.

6. Intelectual property

CO2logic is the owner of the intellectual property rights on many components of this Website. Any total or partial reproduction of the following elements, without the prior consent of CO2logic, is prohibited : the source code, design, software, codes of programmes, contents, layout, structure, data files and all other parts of this website, as well as all data, knowledge and information possible, provided in any way and in any form whatsoever, including images. These elements are the exclusive property of CO2logic and are covered by (the legislation on) intellectual property rights. This list is not exhaustive and includes also all other possible elements which are not published by the User.

Nevertheless, the use of hyperlinks to the Website shall be authorized to the extent that the website or webpage on which the link is located has no content of such nature as to impair the reputation and honour of CO2logic.

  • r), depending on your settings or the privacy policy of these social media sites. Please refer to the privacy policies that these sites use for details of how to change your settings. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for such policies. Please check these policies carefully before you submit any personal data to such sites.
  • Cookies (and automated technologies or interactions) – we may automatically collect technical information about your equipment, browsing actions and patterns. We collect this personal information by using cookies, server logs and other similar technologies. Please see below for more information on cookies.
  • Third parties - we may receive personal information about you from various third parties including technical data from analytics partners like Google, from advertising networks like Google Adwords and Linkedin, from search engine providers like Google and Big , from and lifestyle and demographic insight data from third party segmentation/marketing partners.
  • Third Party Websites – when you use our websites or otherwise engage with us, you may receive links to third-party websites, plug-ins and applications. Clicking on those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share data about you. We do not control these third-party websites and are not responsible for their privacy statements. When you leave our website, we would please encourage you to read the privacy notice of every website you visit as that will govern how that website will process your personal information.

7. Final provisions

The terms and conditions of Use of the Website are governed exclusively by Belgian law. Any dispute between the User and CO2logic shall be referred exclusively to the Liège Business Court. Belgian law shall be applicable.

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